Alissa Hakim headshot
It might seem intimidating at first, but research is an amazing way to cultivate many transferrable skills, gain more experience in fields you're interested in, and prepare for after graduation.

Arts and Humanities and Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy

Research Topic: Sisterhood: Building Transnational Relationships Graduation Year: 2024

Undergraduate Research in the Neighborhoods

This project aimed to create a community of practice, both virtually and in-person. The mentoring program, Sister Circle collaborated with the Young Women's Leadership program at the University of Botswana. Hakim and Silva wanted to see how different contexts created a community of practice between transnational organizations. They analyzed relevant literature pertaining to sisterhood and transnational relationships. They also collected quantitative and qualitative data to distinguish the strengths and the sustainability of our partnerships. They then analyzed this information in relation to the Sister Circle mission and frameworks of transnational sisterhood. Overall, Hakim and Silva found that they were able to provide a safe space for women of color, regardless of technical difficulties.  

Learn more about this and other research in the Neighborhood Engagement Centers.