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Research Topic: The Importance of Moral Humility and its Impact on Political Polarization Graduation Year: 2024

Undergraduate Research in the Neighborhoods

Shub’s research involved investigating the importance of moral humility and its impact on political polarization. Moral humility is defined by a recognition that one’s views regarding morality are not absolute and may be fallible, as well as a level-headed outlook in terms of the moral viewpoints of others. In Shub’s study of U.S. Americans, he tested if there are a correlation between one’s moral humility and their levels of polarization, support for compromise, and perceptions of people from their political outgroup. Shub found that there was a positive correlation between moral humility and items that indicate high social cohesion, such as perceived morality of the outgroup, empathy with the outgroup, respect/understanding of the outgroup, and support for political compromise. With American politics becoming ever polarized and unproductive, Shub wanted to explore what factors can help mitigate political animosity and encourage more civil, productive discussion around heavily morally charged political topics.  

Learn more about this and other research in the Neighborhood Engagement Centers.