Aidan Davis headshot
Find what you are passionate about. Consistently show up and always pursue involvement; you have to want to be

Human Biology

Research Topic: G-Force Tolerance of Elite Motor Racing Drivers Graduation Year: 2024

Undergraduate Research in the Neighborhoods

The goal of Aidan’s research was to access the G force tolerance of male and female race car drivers using lower body negative pressure (LBNP) as a tool. Automobile racing is a popular spectator sport with both male and female drivers, but there is a lack of published physiological benchmarks for elite racers. Aidan’s study involved 15 male and 7 female race car drivers who lay supine in the LBNP chamber while their lower extremities were exposed to decreasing pressure every 3 minutes. Heart rate and blood pressure were monitored throughout the test. The findings showed that female race car drivers exhibited higher G force tolerance (mean –88.57 mmHg) compared to male drivers (mean –72.00 mmHg) with statistical significance (P&It;0.05). Aidan’s research ultimately suggests that women may have a competitive advantage when racing on high G force tracks due to their higher G force tolerance.  

Learn more about this and other research in the Neighborhood Engagement Centers.