Neha Gopalakrishnan headshot
MSU offers an innumerous amount of opportunities for everyone across all interests and I can almost guarentee there is a lab on campus that aligns with what you want to do.


Research Topic: Human milk oligosaccharide metabolizing genes in relation to atopic dermatitis/eczema Graduation Year: 2024

Undergraduate Research Ambassador

Research Poster Located in the Neighborhood Engagement Centers

Research Experience


    • Researching human milk oligosaccharide metabolizing genes in relation to atopic dermatitis/eczema

Experience With

    • Aliquoting stool samples

    • DNA extractions

    • Quant-iT, quantitative real time PCR

    • 16S ribosomal RNA metogenomic sequencing PCR, Literature review

Campus Involvement

    • Co-founder of MSU Deepam- MSU's all-inclusive South Indian Association

    • MSU Swara- indian classical dance group

    • Coalition of Indian Undergraduate Students (CIUS)

    • ULA for CEM 141

Post-Graduation Plans

    • Continue research, take a gap year, apply to med school!