For students looking to get involved in research, my advice is to be open to exploring a variety of opportunities. Don’t hesitate to dive into different projects, even if they fall outside your initial area of interest. Trying out different fields and methodologies can help you discover what truly excites you and where your strengths lie.
James Hager
Computational Mathematics
Research Topic: Molecular Understanding of New Age PFAS Mixtures in Soils
Undergraduate Research Ambassador
Research Poster Located in the Neighborhood Engagement Centers
Research Experience:
My previous research focused on examining the transport mechanisms of Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) within environmental systems utilizing high performance computing techniques. I also did an NSF REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) at Michigan State where I focused on understanding how information can be found from complex team structures in order to predict project productivity.
Experience With:
- Programming
- High-Performance Computing
- Data Analysis
- Machine Learning
- Literature Review
Campus Involvement
- MSU Pickleball Club
- MSU Swim Club
- Co-Founder of a non-profit that supports children with developmental disabilities in the Greater Lansing Area
Post-Graduation Plans:
Pursue a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics