The Pathway to Research Program is a three-step program which guides students through the process of finding a research mentor. First, student participants will understand the benefits of undergraduate research and creative scholarship. Next, participants will determine their research area of interest. Finally, they will identify and contact potential mentors, prepare to interview with them, and ultimately secure a research position. We’ve identified these critical milestones that existing student researchers have achieved on the way to securing a research position and have created a combination of advising, programming, and check-in sessions to connect students to potential research pathways and guide them along the way.

Pathway to Research helps students:

  • understand the benefits of engaging in a research experience,
  • explore and identify potential fields in which they're interested,
  • identify potential research mentors,
  • learn how to effectively communicate with potential research mentors, and
  • secure a research position.

The program is offered twice during the fall and spring and once during the summer. Applications for the summer cohort are now closed. Check back later this summer to apply for the Fall cohorts!

If you are a Lansing Community College (LCC) transfer student interested in this program, please complete this survey!

For questions, please email